Community Bank staff

The Community Bank branch in Franklinville took part in a canned food drive to benefit a local food pantry. Pictured (from left) are Jaymi Morseman, teller; Erica Brechbuehl, senior teller; Pamela Kotagides, customer service representative/teller support specialist; Barbara Montante, branch manager; and KC Hatch, customer service representative,

FRANKLINVILLE — Community Bank branches across New York and Pennsylvania as well as Vermont and Massachusetts hosted a canned food drive to collect nonperishable and canned food items for local food pantries and food banks in their communities.

Donations poured in from Community Bank employees, customers and community members. In total, branches collected more than 3,000 nonperishable items to support food pantries and food banks.

“We take great pride in supporting the food pantries and food banks serving our region,” said Franklinville branch manager Barbara Montante. “The generosity of our employees, customers, and community has made a powerful impact, and I can’t thank everyone enough for stepping up to make this year’s canned food drive a success.”

Community Bank, with a 155-year history, is committed to the communities it serves. In 2024, the bank contributed more than $3.9 million in sponsorships, donations and grants to support more than 2,200 nonprofit organizations. Beyond financial support, employees dedicated more than 17,800 hours to volunteering — stocking food banks, mentoring children, restoring local parks and numerous other ways in making a difference.

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