*** Pioneering Sustainability : Applied Science University Promotes Initiatives in Engineering Education to Help Fight Global Warming | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Pioneering Sustainability : Applied Science University Promotes Initiatives in Engineering Education to Help Fight Global Warming

TDT | Manama
Email : editor@newsofbahrain.com

On the International Day of Clean Energy, Applied Science University (ASU) reaffirmed its commitment to promoting sustainability, with its initiatives in engineering education leading the charge against global warming.

Dr. Mohamed Salama, Dean of the College of Engineering, stressed the urgency of addressing climate change, highlighting greenhouse gas emissions as a critical driver of global warming. He emphasized that the concept of Net Zero, which seeks to balance carbon emissions with nature’s absorption capacity, aims to achieve zero atmospheric emissions by 2050.

Academic Advancements
Dr. Salama explained that the journey to Net Zero necessitates innovative measures, such as harnessing renewable energy, enhancing energy storage technologies, and embedding sustainability in construction and transportation practices. To tackle these challenges, he said, raising public awareness and embedding sustainability into engineering education are paramount.

In line with this vision, ASU has introduced dual-award degree programs in collaboration with London South Bank University (LSBU). These programs cover diverse engineering disciplines, including Architectural, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Electronic Engineering.

ASU has also updated its curricula to align with sustainability goals, equipping students to design smart, decarbonized cities.

Recognized Excellence
Dr. Salama highlighted that ASU’s focus on clean energy and sustainability has yielded tangible results. Students in the LSBU engineering programs have received prestigious accolades, including winning the best graduation project in Civil Engineering from the Bahrain Society of Engineers.

“Engineering education is vital in shaping a sustainable future,” he said, noting how ASU integrates the latest trends into its courses, such as digital twins, photovoltaics, and renewable energy solutions like solar power and wind turbines. These efforts, he added, aim to build a better, greener future for generations to come.

ASU’s commitment to sustainability underscores the key role academia plays in addressing the global climate crisis while inspiring engineers to lead the transition to clean energy solutions.